Saturday, August 16, 2008

Finally free from my laptop

After years running around with the laptop from meeting to meeting, i could nor bear to carry the laptop during my vacations. As a Personal Information Manager (PIM) i had several Palm devices along the years, but i felt that something was always missing.
In 2007 i came across win the Nokia N800. I could not resist to buy one. Although the OS2007 (Maemo version that came with the device) was buggy and rather limited, i felt that this device could change the way i access internet. And it did!
Since them, the OS and the number of applications improved dramatically, and today i use this device as a personal PC and as a PMP (Personal Music Player).
I am writing this article using the N800. In this blog i will futher develop how this and other devices can help to extend the communication experience of an individual.

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